The Colt Defender is the Compact 1911 model that offers you the power and performance you desire from a compact 1911 platform. The Colt Defender makes for an excellent choice for concealed carry and provides you with superb balance and point and shoot ability. The Colt Defender has been an accurate and reliable workhorse in the Colt lineup for many years and this model is no exception. It will withstand the rigors of everyday carry, numerous trips to the range, and will be ready to provide you security should the critical moment strike.
Specifications and Features:
Colt Defender Compact 1911 Semi Auto Pistol O7800XE
.45 ACP
3″ Barrel
Single Action System
7 Round Magazine
Thumb Safety
Grip Safety
Firing Pin Safety
Aluminum 3-Hole Trigger
Skeletonized Combat Hammer
Upswept Beaver Tail
G10 Black Cherry Carry Grips
Novak Style Sights
Steel Slide
Alloy Frame
Overall Length 6.75″
Blued Finish
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